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Temporal Stretching 

Some of the complaints about the temple area and around the eyes Depending on many factors in addition to advancing age, deformities in the temple area may begin to appear after the age of 40.

  • The temple skin becomes loose and sagging occurs. 

  • Extension of excess skin on the upper eyelid to the temple area

  • Low brow margins

  • Collapse due to fat loss in the temple area

  • The solution to all these problems is possible with temple stretching surgery.

Am I a good candidate for temple lift surgery?
As in all plastic surgeries, it is essential that you have no health problems and have realistic expectations. It is important to understand that the results that can be achieved with a temple lift attempt may be limited. Factors that will affect the result such as skin structure, ethnic characteristics, skin elasticity, facial bone structure should be examined before surgery. This attempt can be done in the eighties, but sometimes it is necessary even in the thirties. A temple lift will help you look better, healthier and younger. The positive result we observed after the surgery is the increase in the self-confidence of the person.
Before deciding on temple lift surgery, you can discuss with your plastic surgeon whether additional interventions such as face lift, fat injection or upper eyelid aesthetics are required.

Deciding on surgery
It is very important that you choose a specialist and experienced plastic surgeon. In the first examination, your plastic surgeon will evaluate your facial regions separately, determine your skin structure, skin color and elastic properties. The photos to be taken will help your plastic surgeon work on them later. Your risk factors such as high blood pressure, smoking habits, your susceptibility to scarring, and clotting features will be questioned. Your surgeon will ask about your medical history and will try to get an idea about your spiritual and psychological structure. Since it is essential to have realistic expectations for the surgery to be successful, your plastic surgeon will explain to you about the intervention and expectations that will be applied.
When you decide on the surgery and the techniques to be applied together with your plastic surgeon, you will be informed about the anesthesia technique, other additional interventions, the risks and risks of the surgery, the hospital where it will be performed and the budget.

Temporal lift surgery is an operation that can be performed under local anesthesia and can be completed in 30 minutes to 60 minutes. By entering through the mini incisions made in the hair area of the temples, the temple skin is pulled upwards and the excess skin is removed. The incisions are then closed.
They are aesthetic units embedded in the temple, upper eyelid and eyebrows. Temple aesthetics is one of the applications that are generally evaluated within the scope of eye aesthetics. If the deformation in the temple is accompanied by excess skin on the upper eyelid, eyelid aesthetics should be added to the temple aesthetics.


Although a slight pain may occur after the surgery, this can be controlled with oral painkillers. Some swelling and bruising is normal and can be minimized with cold compresses. Your plastic surgeon will advise you to keep your head elevated, limit your activities, and ask you to report any complaints. Although temple stretching operations are performed in large numbers, they carry some risks as in every surgical intervention.
Stitches are removed within 7 to 10 days after surgery. Support from family and friends will be helpful after surgery.
Even if the recovery is completed in 2-3 weeks, the person can return to work within 10 days. The scars mature after a certain period of time and become indistinct. It should be kept in mind that aging continues in your life after surgery.
Aesthetic surgery applications on the face will help you regain your self-confidence and correct the signs of premature aging on your face.
Health insurances do not only cover attempts made for aesthetic purposes. Surgery for facial sequelae due to genetic deformities or injuries can be partially or completely covered by health insurance.
Our patients, who have undergone plastic surgery on the face, around the eyes and neck, but are unhappy, should not be upset either. Retouches or extensive attempts can always be made to make it better. The second and even third stretching procedures on aging faces continue to be performed in significant numbers all over the world.

MD. Assoc. Professor GAYE TOPLU


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